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About Me

This is Gang Yan (燕刚).

I am presently serving as a postdoc scholar in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at UC Merced (USA). Before this role, I obtained my PhD in Electrical & Computer Engineering from SUNY-Binghamton University (USA) in 2023. Additionally, I completed my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Statistics in 2016 and 2019, respectively, at Nankai University (China). Throughout my academic journey, it has been an honor to be advised by Prof. Changliang Zou, Prof. Jian Li and Prof. Wan Du. Their guidance and expertise have been instrumental in shaping my research and academic pursuits.

Research Interests

High-Performance Network Optimization, Cloud and Edge Computing, Distributed Machine Learning and Federated Learning, Attack and Defense in Distributed Systems. Skill at C++, Python, R, Java, AWS, ATS and SQL.

News and Updates

  • 08/2024:[News] Congratulations to my PhD advisor, Prof. Jian Li, on receiving the prestigious NSF CAREER Award!
  • 08/2024:[Paper] Our paper “Straggler-Resilient Decentralized Learning via Adaptive Asynchronous Update” accepted to MobiHoc AIoT 2024
  • 06/2024:[Paper] Our paper “Enhancing Model Poisoning Attacks to Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning via Critical Learning Periods” accepted to RAID 2024
  • 06/2024:[Service] I will serve as a Program Committee (PC) member for AAAI 2025.
  • 05/2024:[Paper] Our paper “FedRoLA: Robust Federated Learning Against Model Poisoning via Layer-based Aggregation” accepted to ACM KDD 2024 (acceptance rate: 20%).
  • 03/2024:[Service] I will server as a Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.
  • 03/2024:[Service] I will server as a Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security.
  • 02/2024:[Service] I will serve as a ERC Program Committee member for USENIX ATC 2024.
  • 02/2024:[Service] I will serve as a Program Committee member (PC) for ACM KDD 2024.
  • 12/2023:[Paper] Our paper “DePRL: Achieving Linear Convergence Speedup in Personalized Decentralized Learning with Shared Representations” accepted to AAAI 2024 (acceptance rate: 23.75%).